
Testimonials tagged Auditing:

Sarbanes–Oxley Compliance Audits


I just wanted to send you a note to say that we are using your web site to do random sampling for Sarbanes–Oxley compliance audits. We include screen prints of your web site to document our selection universe and the random integers generated. Thanks for making it available.

—Joe Glade, Resources Global Professionals, USA

EPA Environmental Audits

My group at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required by law to conduct audits of randomly selected facilities. I utilize Random.org for the selection process; the format of the query page is well suited to our needs. Until I found (stumbled upon via Google) your website, the recommended procedure for ‘random selection’ was to go down the list of items selecting every nth one; actually these items are industrial or municipal facilities which store/use more than a minimum quantity of a chemical from a list of 140 chemicals selected for their toxic/flammable and dispersable properties. I found this methodology a statistical embarrassment; Random.org made it acceptable, and defensible, such as when a facility responds ‘why me?’

—Alfred J. Baginski, Chemical Accident Prevention Program, Environmental Protection Agency

Auditing Healthcare and Research Records

As Ethics and Compliance Officer for a University research and health care clinic, I use your random number generator to select records for review or audit. The US Office of Inspector General suggests standards for compliance programs. Compliance programs are to assure companies and institutions are complying with various regulations in healthcare, particularly with regard to submission of claims for treatment payment and the expenditure of federal funds for research. Standard of care plus various other regulatory and certification agencies also require reviews and audits of the healthcare and research (both clinical and basic science) process. Using random numbers, we select a percentage of things such as patient visits, physicians, billing records, grants, researchers, etc. for review or audit.

Thank you for this valuable service.

—Stanton Royce, Cancer Research and Treatment Center, University of New Mexico

Financial Auditing

Hello, We use Random.org to select random invoice numbers for financial auditing. We recently instituted a self-auditing program as a part of our compliance with Sarbanes–Oxley legislation. Auditing standards often require random selections, and Random.org helps us in this area by giving us a documented and supportable source of random numbers.

—Dan C. Smith, TABS Direct, USA

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