uses_curl = function_exists( 'curl_init' ); if ( $this->uses_curl ) { $this->curl_ch = curl_init(); } $this->user_agent = 'phpRandDotOrg ' . self::VER . ': ' . $user_agent; $this->base_url = $this->define_base_url( $use_ssl ); $this->quota_limit = $limit; } /** * Public destructor. Closes the cURL channel * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { if ( $this->uses_curl ) { curl_close( $this->curl_ch ); } } /** * Sets the API quota limit * * @param int The API quota limit * @return void * @throws Exception */ public function set_quota_limit( $limit ) { if ( isset( $limit ) && intval( $limit ) > 0 ) { $this->quota_limit = $limit; } else { throw new Exception( 'Please make sure the quota limit is a positive integer.' ); } } /** * Gets the API quota limit * * @return int The API quota limit */ public function get_quota_limit() { return $this->$quota_limit; } /** * Gets a specified number of random integers * * @param int The number of integers requested * @param int The smallest value allowed for each integer * @param int The largest value allowed for each integer * @param int The base that will be used to print the numbers, i.e., binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal * @return int|array Either a single requested integer or an array of integers * @throws Exception */ public function get_integers( $num = 1, $min = 0, $max = 10, $base = 10 ) { if ( $num < 1 ) { throw new Exception( 'Must get at least 1 integer.' ); } if ( $max <= $min) { throw new Exception( 'Max must be greater than min.' ); } if ( ! ( $base == 2 || $base == 8 | $base == 10 | $base ==16 ) ) { throw new Exception( 'Base must be 2, 8, 10, or 16.' ); } $params = array( 'num' => $num, 'min' => $min, 'max' => $max, 'base' => $base, ); $int = $this->make_request( 'integer', $params ); return $num == 1 ? $int[0] : $int; } /** * Randomize a given interval of integers, i.e., arrange them in random order * * @param int The lower bound of the interval (inclusive) * @param int The upper bound of the interval (inclusive) * @return array The randomized order of values * @throws Exception */ public function get_sequence( $min = 1, $max = 10 ) { if ( $min <= $max ) { throw new Exception( 'Max must be greater than min.' ); } $params = array( 'min' => $min, 'max' => $max, ); $seq = $this->make_request( 'sequence', $params ); return $seq; } /** * Generate truly random strings of various length and character compositions * * @param int The number of strings requested * @param int The length of the strings. All the strings produced will have the same length * @param bool Determines whether digits (0-9) are allowed to occur in the strings * @param bool Determines whether uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z) are allowed to occur in the strings * @param bool Determines lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z) are allowed to occur in the strings * @param bool Determines whether the strings picked should be unique * @return string|array Either a single random string of an array of strings */ public function get_strings( $num = 1, $len = 10, $digits = TRUE, $upperalpha = TRUE, $loweralpha = TRUE, $unique = TRUE ) { if ( $num < 1 ) { throw new Exception( 'Must request at least 1 string.' ); } if ( $len < 1 || $len > 20 ) { throw new Exception( 'String request length must be between 1 and 20.' ); } if ( ! ( $digits || $upperalpha || $loweralpha ) ) { throw new Exception( 'At least one character group must be true.' ); } $params = array( 'num' => $num, 'len' => $len, 'digits' => ( $digits ) ? 'on' : 'off', 'upperalpha' => ( $upperalpha ) ? 'on' : 'off', 'loweralpha' => ( $loweralpha ) ? 'on' : 'off', 'unique' => ( $unique ) ? 'on' : 'off', ); $str = $this->make_request( 'string', $params ); return $num == 1 ? $str[0] : $str; } /** * Examine the bit quota currently allocated to the server's public IP * * @param string An IP address whose quota to check. Will use the server's own IP if none is provided * @return int The bit quota currently allocated to the specified IP */ public function quota( $ip = NULL ) { $params = array(); if ( $ip ) { $params['ip'] = $ip; } $quota = $this->make_request( 'quota', $params ); return $quota[0]; } /** * Generate and make a request to the public API * * @param string Which type of request to perform * @param array Parameters to be specified in the API query * @return array Parsed data in integer index array format * @throws Exception */ private function make_request( $type, $params ) { $url = $this->base_url; switch ( $type ) { case 'integer': $url .= 'integers/'; break; case 'sequence': $url .= 'sequences/'; break; case 'string': $url .= 'strings/'; break; case 'quota': $url .= 'quota/'; break; default: // this should never happen throw new Exception( 'Incorrect API request type specified!' ); break; } $url .= "?"; if(!empty( $params )) { $url .= self::query_string( $params ); } $url .= "&" . self::global_params(); // if we're not making a free request, make sure we have available API quota if( $type != 'quota' && $this->quota() < $this->quota_limit ) { throw new Exception( 'Not enough quota available! Please wait a while before making additional requests.' ); } if ( $this->uses_curl ) { curl_setopt( $this->curl_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $this->curl_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); curl_setopt( $this->curl_ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE ); curl_setopt( $this->curl_ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->user_agent ); $raw_data = trim( curl_exec( $this->curl_ch ) ); } else { $raw_data = trim( file_get_contents( $url ) ); } return $this->parse_result( $raw_data ); } /** * Parses the raw data received by the cURL request and handles errors as necessary * * @param string Raw data returned by * @return array Newline-separated array * @throws Exception */ private function parse_result( $raw_data ) { // Check to see if 'Error:' exists in the returned data, indicating an error. if ( strpos( $raw_data, 'Error:' ) !== false ) { $error = substr( $raw_data, 7 ); // Remove the 'Error: ' from the beginning. throw new Exception( 'RandDotOrg Error: ' . $error ); } // Remove newline from end $raw_data = rtrim( $raw_data ); $parsed_data = explode( "\n", $raw_data ); return $parsed_data; } /** * Returns a string with the global parameters * * @return string URL query string with generic parameters */ private static function global_params() { return "col=1&format=plain&rnd=new"; } /** * Form an HTTP query string from a simple array * * @param array An array of API parameters * @return string An acceptable string to be used in a URL query string */ private static function query_string( $array ) { $string = ''; foreach( $array as $key => $value ) { if ( !is_array( $value ) ) { $string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } } // Remove last & return substr( $string, 0, -1 ); } /** * Define the base URL to query * * @param bool Determins whether or not to use SSL * @return string The base URL to query */ private function define_base_url( $use_ssl ) { $proto = $use_ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $uri = ''; return $proto . $uri; } } ?>